Depth data steaming

October 25, 2011 at 03:10 PM | categories: kinect, streaming, artandcode, openframeworks, 3d | View Comments


Some days ago this tweet got me intrigued. Some hours later Joel asked for help to @mrdoob since him and @marcinignac did some pointcloud visualization in the browser using mrdoob's Three.js library during OFFF 2011. I had some code for streaming using gstreamer in openFrameworks so it was just a matter of joining the pieces.

@joelgethinlewis and @roxlu were trying to make this work at Art and code 2011 which topic this year was DIY 3D sensing and visualization.

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Faces. How it works.

October 25, 2011 at 01:40 PM | categories: facesubstitution, facetracking, workinprogress, openframeworks | View Comments

An idea i'm working on with Kyle McDonald

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